My last name was Flower, before marriage, and it was quite amusing that my 3 brothers had to live with that name during the era of the "Flower Children" and "Flower Power".... in the late '60's and the '70's.
However, my blog for this month is basically about the poignant event of God's blessing...our first grandchild, Genevieve Elise. She was born May 10, 2007 and has just now turned two.
I never realized what being a grandparent was all about until this sweet little girl came into our lives. I don't even know if I can put it into words. What I do know is that she represents some very special qualities. Thinking about Genevieve, I can't help but think about the fact that there is a part of my youngest son, Andrew, in her and that in itself brings tears of joy to my heart. I also see much of her mother, Leah, in her which adds another side to Genevieve that brings about many beautiful attributes. Genevieve's parents are raising her to be a woman of God--grandparents' prayers being answered.
Genevieve is my little 'flower' who brings joy, fun, laughter, amazement, an additional sense of purpose, hope and love to our lives. I watch how my son's life has changed since having her and how his face lights up in her company. Genevieve has melted her father's heart and brought meaning and purpose to his life. I love to watch him with her in quiet moments ... at bedtime when he's reading to her. As they cuddle together, she listens to her daddy's voice as he reads to her and they both enjoy their quiet moments together.
After losing our first-born son, Joey, I lost all joy for many, many months and never thought that I could ever experience joy or hope again. God has changed that for me as I sought His face and allowed Him to work on my heart once again by leaning on Him for strength and willingness to go on. Through that process, the day came when I could smile again and have random moments of hope and laughter. Then Genevieve came into the world and into our lives, bringing new life and joy to our hearts.
After having 3 sons, our granddaughter is an unique blessing. I am incredibly grateful that God has blessed us with such a precious gift and treasure any moments we can spend with her.
'Genevieve playing ball at the lake'
'Genevieve's 2nd Birthday at the lake'
'm-m-m good...getting every last bite of icing'
'Birthday celebration over; cuddle time with Dad'
Hello! :)